Campus Crunch

Discrepancies In Result

NSIT, known for its stupendous placement records has some of the leading companies visiting its campus. While the companies judge a student’s academic record on the basis of the result shown in the mark sheets, they can hardly imagine the efforts put in by the students to obtain their correct mark sheets.

Have you ever been marked absent for an exam you gave? Did you have to make endless visits to the admin to get your name correctly spelt in the mark sheet? Or have you been given marks which you feel have been generated using a random function? If your answer is no to all then thank God, He saved you a lot of miseries.

The day after the results are announced, NSIT admin room number 15 aka U.G. section (referred as admin henceforth) is flocked with students complaining about the discrepancies in their result. After many trips to the admin you should be thankful if your grievances are addressed. But actually even our admin is not the one to be blamed. A long procedure is to be followed and our admin is forced to work even when the fault is not theirs.

Many students believe that the only reason for such mistakes is the carelessness of the teachers but that is not the case. The teachers are provided with a roll no list that has not been updated and so it contains the names of the students who have left the college, hence while copying the marks onto the list, by mistake, even they are awarded with marks. The teachers also never receive the list of the students who are reappearing in the practical exams. It’s after the person shows up for the practical that his credentials are cross checked with admin.
The students face a lot of problems because of the errors. The fourth year students have difficulties in their placement session because their updated mark sheets are delayed and they have less no of courses which they can drop and improve their percentage. Students also face hard times while applying for internships because students with no backs are obviously preferred and some hard working and deserving candidates lose their opportunity even when they are not at fault.

The errors are not all. The cumbersome procedure that follows adds to ones woes. For errors like a person being marked absent for an exam one gave, a discrepancy form is to be filled in admin and then that form is sent to the Faculty of Technology (FOT). One has to support the application with the Fee receipt and the Hall ticket used for that examination. (Keep your Hall tickets safely from now on if you have not already started doing that).

In one of the rare cases, the paper was misplaced by the teacher. In this case, the student submitted the application about 6-7 times, after which the admin woke up and took some actions. Luckily his paper was found but he’s still awaiting his result.

The students who face the problem of their name being misspelled in the result have to fill a correction form available in the admin. This is a generic correction form for correction of any factual information. This form has to be filled and submitted in admin with a photocopy of an earlier mark sheet in which the name is spelled correctly. Even this form is sent to FOT and the admin asks them to visit back after a month. But generally their mark sheet comes when the next lot is dispatched after next semester’s result.

The students who receive marks below their expectations or are not satisfied with the result have to go on a long and tiring journey for remedial of their problem. They start by taking a form from the admin. Fill it up and get it attested from the admin itself. Then they have to go to D.U. Office, North campus and pay the re-evaluation fee. From there, the next step is to submit the fee receipt in the FOT office which is in DTU. This complete procedure takes around 6-7 hours. All the people who have not yet applied for re-evaluation, be prepared if you ever decide to go for re-evaluation.

The re-evaluation result is declared with the next semester’s result only and in case the marks have been modified they’ll be put up on the list otherwise no result is given. Another problem which students face is that since the re-evaluation results are declared so late, it’s a gamble between re-evaluation and re-examination.
The admin is also helpless because examination and results are controlled by FOT. Though the question still unanswered is “Why is the FOT office located in DTU, even when DTU is not governed by it?” The obvious answer is the laziness of government officials but that is no justification when our future is at stake. The need of the hour is to bring FOT to NSIT so that speedy actions can be taken and students don’t have to roam around the whole Delhi.