
About Us

A small spark can lead to a majestic fire. With a seed of innovation planted in all our minds, it was a spark of an idea which kickstarted this eventful journey for a few of us to bring NSIT together. The Alliance-NSIT’s newspaper was envisaged with a vision to unite the different spheres of college life and provide a common platform to all the ideas to conglomerate. This e-newspaper acquaints one and all about everything that one ought to know while in NSIT.

The small spark has led to a complete movement where the team Alliance is working to put in every extra bit to leave a mark in the history of NSIT as the leading newspaper. The Alliance, a student initiative, started with the primary goal of keeping NSIT at par with the institutions worldwide, ensured that each and every student has access to the latest update in NSIT. Ranging from the topics as diverse as NSIT’s timeline, the hot burning issues, complete coverage of college fests to internship opportunities, placement stats, music, sports et all. Our past has been a perfect example of our bold and vibrant journalism, covering every issue with the lenses of impartiality; we have been unique enough to present versatility in each of our past editions. It is the first such initiative which brings to light the opinions of not only the students but also the alumni and our esteemed professors. The NSITians are carving a niche for themselves in every possible corner through their out shining achievements since its rootage; however, most of them remained as unsung heroes. With Alliance, all the success stories, big or small are celebrated and a source of encouragement is given to the uprising innovators. It keeps you informed about the past and the upcoming events. Not only a forum for students to share their ideas, Alliance brings to you a professor’s profile with its each issue. The Alliance is known for its accuracy and precise analysis of the various stats be it the CAT/GRE scores or the compilation of placement statistics. Perfection in what we do is our motto. It caters to the demands of the college crowd as it is the voice of the students and holds importance for students of all years and the alumni included. The Alliance provides you with a helping hand to take you through this beautiful journey of 4 years. It gives you the power to knock its door at any point of time when you want some questions to be answered or want to highlight something. It can be rightly said that having its foundation in the lineage of NSIT and reaching out to the opportunities the modern world has to offer, The Alliance has it all.

With the pace of time, The Alliance has grown substantially coming out with 6 magnanimous editions and has got an overwhelming response and encouragement from the students and alumni section. The critics have also been most welcome which have helped as improve and grow. As they say, nothing comes without failure, they have just been a stepping stone to move ahead and foster us with the confidence to carry on with this never-ending journey. Ayn Rand’s words “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me” have inspired us throughout. We, as teamAlliance, have grown with each and every moment that we have spent in its culmination. The interviews, the interaction with people belonging to all spheres, the dedicated teamwork, realising our passions to pen down and designing the newsletter have raised the bar of our abilities.

Change is the only thing which is constant. We carry this in our hearts and with every issue,we aim to innovate and bring out something new. “Opportunity is often difficult to recognise; we usually expect it to beckon us with beepers and billboards.” The Alliance brings you face to face with these opportunities and so catch up with every latest copy to find something new.