<div><a href=”http://alliancensit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/gh.png”><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-802″ title=”gh” src=”http://alliancensit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/gh.png” alt=”” width=”1296″ height=”338″ /></a>With an unofficial and official farewell conducted back to back, the girls hostel was immersed in farewell spirit during May.</div>
<div>The pajama party, organized as unofficial farewell on 26th April, was an extravaganza full of fun and gusto. The college auditorium was decorated, and pom-poms were brought in to embellish the event. The fourth years, dressed in the best pajamas ever, received special titles along with a collage of their photographs. Being the first such occasion for the first years, they were fully charged up for their event and showed some dazzling performances. The second and third years were also not far behind the first years entertaining their seniors. The event was made more enjoyable with a constant supply of McDonalds burgers, coke, and snacks. The party had to wrap up by 9:30pm due to the timing restrictions at the hostel, but that did not hamper the spirits of the fourth years. The party resumed at the badminton courts inside the hostel and went on till midnight.In the same spirit, but maintaining an urbane tone, the official farewell held on 2nd May in the Girls Hostel. It was the first time that boys were invited to be a part of this function. Every fourth year was allowed to bring a guest with her, and no one missed this opportunity. The event was attended by Mr. Bhatia, Mr. S.P. Singh, Mrs. Sujata Sengar among other faculty members. The fourth years were presented with convocation caps and degrees (for completion of 4 years in the hostel) by the professors. After the official function was over, the real fun started. The fourth years rocked the night with their gaiety.</div>
Farewell @ GH ’12