<div><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-766″ src=”http://alliancensit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/lost-beat.jpg” alt=”lost beat” width=”507″ height=”306″ /></div>
<div>All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.</div>
<div>-T.E. Lawrence</div>
<div>With this adage in mind, a student from NSIT went on to make an effort to set up a launch pad for all such dreamers who have the zeal but lack the incentive, the enticement and the rightful audience that applauds their talent. An ardent musician himself, Abhay Pruthi is acquainted with the fact that it takes a lot of struggle to make an identity in the field of music. With a lot of musicians around, and each one equally endowed and gifted, there is abundant competition out there. And to make a mark in this scenario, especially in the era of rock bands and pop culture, can prove to be a Herculean task unless you have a family history in the field that can fetch you some nepotistic favor.</div>
<div>And thus, ‘Lost beat’ came into existence – a community of all those people who seek to make an identity in the world through music. “The lost beat team plans to prosper itself through a 2 way model”, says founder-Abhay Pruthi. The first way is by introducing the concept of ‘musical networking’. “It is a new concept and is on the same lines as social networking. This way the aspiring artists can get a platform, to showcase what they have”, adds Pruthi. It incorporates various websites like Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, ReverbNation and SoundCloud. The idea is to not only give an online platform to budding musicians for promoting themselves through YouTube and the like but also allow them to ‘network’ their videos through various social networking sites and thus increase their viewership and fan following. The lost beat team launched its Facebook page on January 13th 2012 which has been helping music artists to post videos and audios in order to make their voices heard. However, the community was actually founded in June 2011.</div>
<div>The team also has an offline way to reach out to all music lovers who are brimming with talent. It plans to conduct events that allow artists to participate. The online world has provided an arena to many amateurs like Shraddha Sharma, who has gained great acknowledgement through her videos online. Lost Beat helps such amateurs to gain even more recognition by organising their concerts and helping them establish themselves in the auditoriums and studios as well, and not just on your computer screens.</div>
<div>Recently, it organized the musical event ‘Dhwani’ at the Annual Cultural Fest of NSIT- Moksha. It saw a large number of registrations in the three fold event that consisted of Hindi vocals competition, English vocals competition and instrumentals competition. The event turned out to be a grand success. Kudos to LOST BEAT’S efforts, NSIT got to see some really amazing talent from all over the state, right on our auditorium stage. This was the very first victory for Lost Beat as it had managed to fulfill its aim of bringing latent talent in the limelight!</div>
<div>However, Lost Beat is not just about promoting young talent. It goes beyond the confines of a college, age or region. It welcomes talent from all over the country of all genres, whether it be a four year old singing jingle bells or a senior citizen humming a scintillating old bollywood number, a rajastani folk or a punjabi rap.</div>
<div>Today, barely a year old, Lost Beat has got more in store to show the world. It plans to organize a plethora of events. Its confidence has surged tremendously after ‘Dhwani’ and so have our expectations from it. It plans to organise an All-India musical fest in the month of October which may have a headliner act with budding musicians. So if you have a ‘lost beat’ in you, bring it on!! Show it to the world!!</div>
Lost Beat