
Sattal : Exploring Nature

If you are looking for some time off from your hectic day-to-day life and for a taste of adventure, Sattal is the place to be. With exquisite natural beauty, and a primordial connection to nature, the place is a treat in store as something very different and special with its mountains, the early morning sunrise, the chill in the air, the clouds, the lakes, the waterfall and the adventure sports, of course.

Our trip started on the 5th of April. Early in the morning, and still a little drowsy, we stacked the luggage in the back of the bus and acquired comfortable seats. After a good 12-13 hours of travelling by bus, we finally reached our destination. With enervated bodies and an exhausting journey we looked forward to some rest. However, in store for us was a long and arduous journey to our camp site on a path full of loose stones, a steep slope and a heavy bag which felt like Santa’s sack on Christmas!

After walking for almost 30-40 minutes, we finally reached the camp site. Yes, that wasn’t any less than what Tenzing Norgay might have felt! To give you an idea of how the place was, we had to live in tents, with torches and lanterns. And no electricity! The living-with-nature thing just got serious. After a good, ‘tummy-full’ dinner we slept like maniacs, wanting nothing more than a good night’s sleep.

Day 1- Despite the tiring day earlier, almost everyone got up early for local bird-watching. After that, we all were divided into 4 groups of 20 each. My group had to do River crossing and Kayaking for the day. We went down the humungous mountain again, and mind you, we had to do it all 3 days! After walking a little, we reached Laxman Taal. Not quite what I had imagined river crossing to be, but still worth the effort. After everyone completed the river crossing, we went for Kayaking. Kayaking was more exciting than I had thought it would be. Paddling boats and literally racing with others while trying to keep the boat steady was fun. At the end of the day we climbed back to our tents, freshened up a little, to be told that there was already a bonfire set up. Everyone sat around the bonfire, sang songs and had a gala time, just like one big family.

Day 2- Worn out from all the effort we had put in for ‘fun’,we got exactly what we were hoping for, a lax and rest-filled morning. On the day’s menu, were rappelling and rock climbing. Rappelling was somehow the high point of the trip for me. Standing there on top of a mountain, just to come down hill looking down at the ditch, can be really scary. Eventually, checking my harness one last time and with words of self-assurance (read: “Darr ke age jeet hai”), I did it, and somehow won’t forget the experience for the rest of my life.Next up was rock climbing. The rock kind of looked difficult to climb, but the trainer gave me the confidence stating that it would be a walk in the park. The confidence was soon shattered into uncollectable pieces after the first 5 steps. Still, I did a fairly good job.

Day 3- Somehow the feeling that we were leaving that day was sinking in. After the breakfast we all went for the remaining two activities, Flying Fox and Swimming. Flying fox can actually make you realize how strong, yet at the same time, fun, gravity is. After doing Flying Fox, we went to Garur Tal for a good swim in the cold water. The swim was relaxing after all the walking, trekking and climbing we’d been doing. We came back from the lake, changed clothes, had lunch, and were told that it was time to leave . With a heavy heart we all bid adieu to this wonderful place and shall cherish it for all the unforgettable memories.