
Aagaaz, The Peotry Society

Bedazzled not, oh beholder,

For we are yet to go yonder,

This indeed is just an ‘aagaaz’,

A mere beginning, of this amazing journey we have embarked.

Aagaaz, the poetry club of NSIT has a niche position in an engineering environment. It fulfills the task of filling technical voids with rhyme and is thus, the refuge of wordsmiths lost in the gory faces of coders, geeks, and ghissus.

Founded in 2013, with the aim of bringing to fore the creations of passionate poetic engineers, Aagaaz has come a long way since its humble beginnings amidst the broken chairs of Mini Zayca (the college canteen). A dedicated core team of poets of varied genres, interests, and languages work hard to create content which envisages the fun, happiness, grief, and tears of college life into immortal lines. The beauty and essence of these lines has, seemingly also spilled onto the students around, as the literary scene of the college has seen an immense upheaval with the arrival of Aagaaz. The society has crowned its small history by successfully conducting two poetry competitions in the college fests, both of which saw the participation of students from over 20 institutions across Delhi.

Aagaaz holds regular intra-college recitation sessions which are marked by the presence of new and exciting works on varied topics. This allows for the creation of a light yet creative environment, perfectly suited for passionate versifiers. There are regular weekly meets which are dotted with the versatility that its members possess.

The facebook portal of the society which marks the online presence of its best literary works, allows it to reach a greater audience, even outside the limits of college, and is another marked step in Aagaaz’s endeavor of ‘weaving magic with words’. A poem from their facebook page:
<p style=”text-align: center;”><strong>हार के डर से बैठ जाता तो शायद चलना भी ना सीख पाता</strong>
<strong>रास्ता देख जो रुक जाता तो शायद कभी आगे भी ना बढ पाता</strong>
<strong>जो हारे उनकी बातें अगर मैं सुनता तो शायद ख्वाब ही ना बुनता</strong>
<strong>असफलताओं से डर शायद ही मैं राह मंज़िल की चुन्ता</strong>
<strong>सदीयों पुराना सत्य है ये, नहीं कोई बात नयी है</strong>
<strong>कोथिथ जिसने की बस जीता वही है, बस जीता वही है</strong></p>