
Playlist #4: Psychedelia

By Asmita Goyanka, Batch of 2017

Psychedelia. It looks like someone poured droplets of oil paint on your window pane and these colors now fill the glass in imperceptible patterns. It feels like the wind in your hair if you were riding on the back of a bird through fireworks in the sky. Like drums and the wind. It tastes like love, like the firm but supple skin of someone you love so much you’d kiss them anywhere. It’s the sweat stuck to your skin and the sweat dripping into your eye. It’s passion and loveliness and heartbreak and it’s inspirational. It’s like napping to take a break but falling so deep into sleep you have the best dream you had all week. It’s absorbing the universe into yourself in one go.

Any song that makes you feel that way, that’s psychedelia.