
Tag: 2011

Resonanz 2011

<em>The bell has rung. Black cat has been seen. </em> <em>The ‘WITCHES’ will come true. Pumpkins are gleaming. </em> <em>Moon laughs and whispers.. </em> <em>”Where frequencies Diverge.. </em> <em>Where parallels [ … ]

TEDx 2011

<h1 style=”text-align: center;”><strong>W</strong><strong>HERE </strong><strong>A</strong><strong>LL </strong><strong>E</strong><strong>NDS </strong><strong>M</strong><strong>EET</strong></h1> TED, over the years, has become an inspirational force for all of us with its motive to change attitudes, lives and ultimately the world [ … ]

Kriti 2011

<h1 style=”text-align: center;”>A HELPING HAND</h1> &nbsp; Among all the cultural, technical and managerial festivals this semester, a cultural festival that did more good than the hype it created was KRITI, [ … ]

Farewell to Batch 2011

<a href=”http://alliancensit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Untitled-1.jpg”><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-42″ title=”Farewell Batch 2011″ src=”http://alliancensit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Untitled-1.jpg” alt=”” width=”1044″ height=”1584″ /></a>