Professor Profile

Dr. Prerna Gaur

<a href=”http://alliancensit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Dr.-Prerna-Gaur-.jpg”><img class=” size-full wp-image-130 alignright” title=”Dr. Prerna Gaur” src=”http://alliancensit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Dr.-Prerna-Gaur-.jpg” alt=”” width=”118″ height=”139″ /></a>

<strong>By Shrey Bansiwal, Batch of 2015</strong>

Dr. Prerna Gaur comes across as a tender and amicable professor. She is a modest person who has gained expertise in the art of multitasking by playing the role of a professor, project mentor, Treasurer-IEEE Delhi Section, Chair Standing Committee – Students and Educational activities, and secretary ISTE (NSIT chapter) all at once and doing them well. She believes in perseverance and ardour and is always there for the students seeking her help in various areas. She takes the students away from the mundane theories and emphasizes on practical knowledge in a way that students start loving her subject.

<strong>Q. How long have you been teaching?</strong>

<strong>A</strong>. I started my teaching career in 1994 in industries working in Indo Asean Fusegear and Marketing. I joined NSIT after 4 years in 1998.

<strong>Q What are your key research areas?</strong>

<strong>A</strong>. My fields of research are microprocessors, solar power, electrical drives, power electronics, face and voice recognition and line followers.

<strong>Q. During the course of your teaching career, have you seen any change in the curriculum or would you like to see a change in the curriculum?</strong>

A. The concepts always remain the same. It is only the way in which they are applied that changes. So, it is the professors’ duty to remain updated with the changes in technology and teach the students accordingly. With the changing times, the way of teaching should change and there is no need for changes in the curriculum.

<strong>Q. …and in the students’ outlook or behaviour?</strong>

<strong>A. </strong>There has been just a slight change in the students’ outlook and their inclination towards technology, and that too for good. The newer generations, contradictory to the general perception, are more eager to learn, especially in the field of practical sciences. Apart from the third and fourth year students, there are many first and second years who are enthusiastic about doing projects as an extracurricular activity.

<strong>Q. Speaking of projects, how many projects are you currently guiding?</strong>

<strong>A. </strong>Currently, I’m handling 4 Under-graduate projects and this is the upper limit for the same. Apart from those, I’m guiding 3 Post Graduate and 5 PhD projects.

<strong>Q. Please tell us more about Undergraduate projects. What all topics have been researched into?</strong>

<strong>A. </strong>The topics are Artificial Intelligence based Control of Power Electronics that covers Fuzzy Logic Neural Network etc, Wind Energy Systems and Hybrid Energy Systems. The outcome of many of them has been excellent. We have been successful in publishing journals and Conference papers.

<strong>Q Certainly, many students come to you to seek your assistance. What is the criteria by which you shortlist the students?</strong>

<strong>A. </strong>Dedication and motivation are the attributes I look for in the students. Their intensity of enthusiasm reflects when they repeatedly come to me to ask for my supervision. I would, without a doubt, love to help such students.

<strong>Q. Your name is well associated with IEEE. Please elaborate on your role in the society?</strong>

<strong>A. </strong>I have been a part of IEEE ever since it started at this institution in 2000. As a member, I sought permission to start a technical fest in NSIT under the name of IEEE and Innovision was born in 2002. Today, I am the Branch Coordinator for IEEE-NSIT.

<strong>Q. What advice would you like to give the NSITians?</strong>

<strong>A. </strong>I would suggest that all students should keep on exploring new aspects of science. Unlike what is generally presumed, the college provides various well-equipped labs. All it takes is the motivation to learn that ignites the aura.