
A Winter’s Day

By Anusha Goel, Batch of 2018

As I opened my eyes, wrapped in the warmth and snugness of my reddish-brown blanket, I smiled to myself, woke up and folded hands- showing my gratitude to the Almighty for showering me again with such a beautiful and lovely dawn. Spreading out my pink cloth, I did my yoga, beginning with Surya Namaskar, finished my daily chores and helped mom with the breakfast. “Wish everyone had a daughter like you,” mom smiled, and kissed my forehead. After a refreshing bath, I sat down with my laptop for my online course on “Computer Sciences” at Coursera. After spending two hours of reckoning, reasoning, cohering and analyzing, I stepped out to buy the groceries. After a heavy and healthy lunch comprising of sarson ka saag and baingan ki subzi, I dwelled in my room for the call-receiving task as a part of my internship with a start-up. Conversing with hundreds of insightful and vibrant minds, traversing my way through hurdles of questions and cross-questions, the final help to my customer gave me immense satisfaction and a feeling of satiation. After this rigorous but surfeited training, I took a cup of rejuvenating tea and perambulated through the verdure and foliage of the park. Feeling the cool breeze whizzing past my ears, the heat building up and driving the chill, frosty limbs again coming back to life, the evening jog is certainly the best part of the day. The ceasing day comes with “The Gadget show” on Discovery Science and “Aliens Mystery Continues” on History TV18. My winter’s day finally concludes with a family dinner and then at 10, I leave myself to get arrested by the impending sleep, crawling through the balmy blanket.

Then suddenly…

My eyes burst open, with a dream shattered, and then a second later I realize I am drenched in ice cold water. “You lazy ass! WAKE UP!”, a human-like leviathan was yelling and hollering. Sorry, it was mom. Pulling my hair, I shifted to the other side of the bed and sneaked away in the blanket cursing everyone. After an hour long caterwaul by my mother, I finally decided to sacrifice my warmth for the sanity of my ears. Taking a brewing cup of coffee, I sat down for my daily-dose, lifesaving episodes of How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones, Friends,…till I found myself taking a catnap in the comfy couch. With determination I stood up, did the task of placing my cup in the kitchen (so heavy! Phew!) and voila! I found my long-lost Half-Girlfriend, which had vanished in the sea of my belongings which flows across my room. With more nagging from my mother, I grabbed my noodles, sat on a window side with chilly winds tousling my hair, smiled at the boisterous children, happy and gay, admired the white, snowy Deodar that lay, and weaved my way through a perfect winter’s day!