
Game Development Club: Friends, Gaming, Gadgets – What Else?

<p style=”text-align: justify;”>By Nilayan Das Gupta, Batch of 2013</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Everybody realizes this brutal truth in NSIT, our inexperience and the lack of practical exposure puts us far behind students of other colleges, something we cannot afford in today’s world. Are our practical labs sufficient enough to fill that gap? No, seems to be the answer. Aditya Vishwakarma and Mohit Taneja felt the need of such a society which enabled them to explore the outside world, which brought them a step closer to real life implementation, and game development club was born. The game development club may not be one of the much hyped societies but under the leadership of Dipankar Patro (COE, Batch of 2012) this surely has its sight set on greater accomplishments in the coming years. With the motto of observing the algorithms more closely, learning the nuances to develop it and in the process having some fun, the club encourages new ideas ranging from simple console gaming to proper graphic user interface based game.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>The club’s activities are divided into different departments according to the development of a game. In the context of the various areas available, Dipankar says,”The game development has following stages: The first part is the designing of the game, what UX you want to have which means we think about the basic plot of the game and what kind of game do we want to make. In the next part we make a rough structure of the code, we develop the layout of the code. Then we get to the implementation stage, where the algorithm is converted to software code and the game is fully developed. After the development of the game it is necessary, to perform the testing of the game where all possible circumstances of the game are tested and it is also assessed whether the user is enjoying the game.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Some interesting projects are currently in progress, which challenges the creative as well as the technical knowledge of the members:</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”><strong>TRON</strong> is an AI based game which involves controlling a point object which when travels over a space and creates a wall. The motive of the game is to avoid any collisions with the walls and at the same time trying to imprison the other player into a wall cell. GDC is in need of people who can design the user interface and implement Artificial Intelligence with them.</p>


<a href=”http://alliancensit.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/gdc-tron.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-2506 size-large” src=”http://alliancensit.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/gdc-tron-1024×487.jpg” alt=”gdc-tron” width=”640″ height=”304″ /></a> Screenshots of TRON, a game GDC is aiming to develop
<p style=”text-align: justify;”><strong>COLLEGE LIFE</strong> is an interactive game where the user goes through a real life scenario of a college student. The blue- print of the game is ready and the implementation is about to start.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>The club provides an ideal opportunity for the students to try their ideas, interact with seniors who provide guidance at every step so that their fellow juniors are able to carry on the legacy.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>And with growth rate in gaming industry in India today, this society is all set to strike gold with its gaming manifestation. And what‟s more! AI gaming competition will be held sometime soon in the near future within the campus bounds. So all geeks and tech enthusiasts, be ready for the challenge.</p>