Campus Crunch

Our Ancestral Syllabus

By Gazal Gupta, Batch of 2013

“ Yaar ye kitna purana syllabus hai, kaun padega”

Ever heard this statement. If yes then you are in the same league as most of the other NSITians cursing their age old syllabus. But ever wondered how it all started? It all started with a vision, the vision of NSIT’s founding director, Prof. B. N. Mishra who believed in the idea of integrating the various fields of engineering. He explains, “If you can imagine a horse race then the horse represents ECE which provides the muscle power, the jockey represents COE who guides the horse and the rules of the race represent IT which takes care of the path taken by the horse.” Standing true to his expectations, NSITians have shown their mettle in all fields but in order to continue this excellence and help NSIT attain new heights, Prof B N Mishra himself believes the traditional methodologies should be modified according to the modern technology.


Believe it or not! The administration and the faculty have the same viewpoint as the students. Five years ago an attempt was made to upgrade the syllabus. A formal proposal, encompassing the suggestions of the professors at NSIT, was submitted to the Faculty of Technology (FOT). The administration faced the challenge of getting it approved from the committee of experts at FOT. Because of the difference in the opinions of the committee members, the proposal could not be passed to the Academic Council of Delhi University which is the final hurdle in the upgradation of syllabus.

The good news is that an attempt is being made to upgrade the syllabus and a committee of professors has been formed. This committee is responsible for submitting the changes that are required in the current syllabus. It is expected that the proposal would be submitted to the FOT within a month.


Our professors believe that the fol-lowing things should be kept in mind while upgrading the current syllabus:

  •  The interaction of the students with the industries should be increased
  • The students ought to be ex-posed to all the avenues of re-search and industry related work
  • The choices among the elective courses should be increased and the implementation made more effective

We, at NSIT hope that the new proposal due in a month brings about a change in the ancient syllabus.

OLD vs NEW : Recently, new computers with i5 processors were installed in several labs.

What are your thoughts on the syllabus of NSIT?

Alumni Speak

harshvardhanHarshvardhan, Batch of 2007, IIM-C

Long overdue and very necessary, we can‘t live in 80s in 2011. It is high time NSIT batches are taught the latest syllabi since there is usually a huge difference between what is taught in classrooms and what is practiced.

Page-2-Image-8Ankit Sud, Batch of 2010, Microsoft

The NSIT Syllabus for COE focuses on core concepts which is a good thing however there is a need to make it more up to date especially with the kind of advances taking place every day.

Student Speak

Page-2-Image-5Rahul Jain, Batch of 2011, IT

Although it is said that IT has the most upgraded syllabus but randomly huge and unordered are the words that describe it the best. Advanced topics from data mining and object oriented programming are needed.


Vartika Aggarwal, Batch of 2012, IT

In my opinion, there is definitely a need to upgrade the syllabus of NSIT. I feel that the pride of being an NSITian is marred by the realization that one has to study courses that haven‘t been upgraded for the past twenty years.

Page-2-Image-7Shajit Singh, Batch of 2013, ECE

It is the responsibility of the college administration to compare syllabus of different institutions and bring ours at par with the current market need.